Monday 3 March 2014

Is this the Hitler for the 21st Century?

Gold jumps, shares slump as Ukraine's crisis deepens

I've had a very busy day today reducing the Equity content for all of my clients with the on-going threat of a full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. It's a hell of a lot of work and that's just the selling let alone the number of switching letters that I'm going to have to write over this week for every client. 
A lot of advisers will be telling their clients to hold on to their shares and sit it through, however this is such an obvious risk that they should be looking to reduce clients risk all round. So if your Financial Adviser hasn't sent you a message you might need to give me a call instead!

I've been watching the events unfold over the weekend and to me it's clear that Putin needs room to breath! He feels the need to expand in to all countries that might have had something to do with Russia at some time. The next thing you will see is the UN handing him Poland to keep him quite, it would be peace in our time you will hear.

He was after all elected via his thugs in controlled elections and his Hitler youth, I mean Putin youth bullied all that opposed him. If you might pose a threat you ended up in prison until you agreed with him, lucky really it could have been a radio active substance in your tea. 

Bullies understand one thing and one thing alone, the guy who's bigger and tougher than him. That should be the USA but since they have had so many wars recently they are a little fatigued. Lessons of history are screaming at us all and if the world doesn't show Putin that they will fight him and he will lose badly then what's stopping him marching across Europe?

Some people will say that I'm taking it out of context and that we can talk to the prime minister, oh I mean President, oh I mean Dictator. This is a man out of control and it's partly our fault. When you allow a man to murder someone on your soil in cold blood and you don't realise that he's now quite mad then you shouldn't be surprised when he rolls tanks down your street. This is Ego gone mad and only US forces on the ground will stop him, he may be mad but he's not stupid the Americans would teach him all about Modern Warfare in the first real shooting war; the Russians wouldn't last very long.

Sometimes you need to take it to the brink and bring the fleet along for a chat before the bully gets the message, otherwise we will have a slow trot to a real world war where no-one wins. 

Feel free to comment, it may be your last chance at free speech before your tea is poisoned!

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